You will read the verifiable story of heroic doctors who developed early treatments for COVID-19 that saved the lives of their high-risk patients, as they were forced to contend with the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that continues, in 2022, to suppress outpatient treatments.

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Chapter 14: According to My Ability and Judgement
When is this nightmare going to end? he wondered. President Trump spoke of reaching the other side by Easter, which fell on April 12. That day arrived with warm sunny weather in Dallas but no end in sight. A couple of days later McCullough was informed that a staff member at Presbyterian Village had come down with Covid, but that she’d had no contact with his father. Then his mother called to say that his dad’s spring allergies were flaring up, as he sounded congested on the phone. Then he got the call that his dad had tested positive for Covid.
By then McCullough knew that isolating the disoriented man from his wife hadn’t protected him because he was still exposed to nursing home staff. While his wife had little contact with anyone, staff members had close contact with innumerable persons in multiple facilities every day. So now his father—an octogenarian suffering from a multi-fractured pelvis and senile dementia—had symptomatic COVID-19.
McCullough’s mother informed the facility’s administrators that her husband had long ago signed a directive stating that he never wanted to be kept alive by artificial life support. This meant that, in the event of acute respiratory distress, sending him to the hospital to be put on a ventilator was out of the question. Considering this, the facility made way for a Covid unit on the top floor of its Corrigan Administrative building, and Thomas McCullough was their first patient.
How to save his father’s life? Disabled by the pelvic fracture, he spent most of the time on his back, which reduced his respiratory mechanical function. Judging by the mortality data out of China and Milan for a patient his age, with his health problems (include diabetes) his chances of survival were less than 50% and probably around 20%. McCullough knew that his newly acquired knowledge was only fragmentary and fraught with uncertainty. In accordance with my ability and judgement. He would just have to do the best he could.
By a stroke of luck, the doctor’s assistant assigned to look after his father was open to taking directions from McCullough.
“The weather is beautiful, so the first thing we do is open all the windows to get fresh air into the room to reduce the inoculum,” he told her. The doctor’s assistant was game to do this.
“Secondly, let’s put him on a twice daily dose of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, plus aspirin and lovenox.”
In the days that followed, McCullough’s father got very sick and lost his appetite. Dehydration set in, and his blood pressure dropped. They tried to administer IV fluids, but his veins had retracted too much to place the needle. And so, McCullough instructed the staff to perform the pediatric method of sticking the needle into the abdominal fat. They later succeeded in drawing a vial of blood and saw that his serum sodium level was 151 milliequivalents per liter, which meant he was catastrophically dehydrated. Finally, they succeeded in getting enough fluids in him, and kept him on the medications for thirty days. He lost forty-two pounds, but he pulled through. Through the illness, the nurses noted that all he wanted was protein shakes. This turned out to be a wise choice for a diabetic, for as would soon be discovered, severe disease strongly correlated with high blood sugar.
There’s an archetypal myth at least as old as the ancient Egyptian god Horace, who retrieved his father from the underworld. For the child, the father represents order and security. The passage from childhood innocence to full adult awareness is expressed as venturing into an extremely dark place to rescue one’s father. This involves being shorn of all comforting illusions and security and facing the full horror of our mortal existence. At the age of fifty-seven, McCullough had seen and learned a lot. He’d completed vast medical training, gotten married, fathered two children, and held leadership positions in major hospitals.
And yet, he’d always lived in a structured environment governed by well-established procedures. Most aspects of his life had seemed settled on the assumption he would finish his career at Baylor and enjoy a comfortable retirement. Within this powerful institution, he held a ranking position that gave him high social status and generous remuneration and health benefits. His professorship at its affiliated medical school provided him with additional authority and prestige. As most of his colleagues could attest, reaching such a position was the culmination of decades of study and work.
Undertaking the task of treating his father for the novel disease required going far beyond the familiar routines and procedures of his institution. The anguish of seeing his old dad laid low, and the victory of bringing him back from death’s threshold, was a trial from which he emerged with an expanded sense of himself and his responsibility. It prepared him to play a role in human affairs far beyond that of a conventional doctor. He could not and did not sit back and let the virus slaughter his father, and he wasn’t about to let that happen to his patients or those across the globe. COVID-19 was a treatable illness, counter to what our government agencies and the media were telling us!

Global Research Review by Aruna Rodrigues
The book chronicles the unique role of national governments across the world and their health agencies, led by the USA and WHO, which followed an agenda that led to completely avoidable fatalities numbering several million. The question is why?
The usual culprits are money and power. But to ascribe cause to these two is woefully insufficient. The sheer magnitude of the ‘dark agenda’ – coordinated and played out by governments, health agencies, the medical establishment (hospitals, doctors and chemists) and the massive and deliberate disinformation by the legacy media – defies such easy explanations. As one journalist on Leake’s team put it, “but this is evil”.
Dr. Peter McCullough says it will take a legion of investigators and investigative journalists to “untangle and delineate what would ultimately be revealed as a massive crime against humanity”.
This book is in part that investigation, zeroing in on why treatment protocols (especially early treatment) were side-lined, leading to disastrous consequences. The book is an impressive, accurate and lucid telling of this crime on a global scale, with its lens on the USA.
John Leake could not have wished for a more authoritative voice than Peter McCullough, his co-author. McCullough, a practicing board certified internist and cardiologist, is the most published author in history in the field of cardio-renal medicine.
By 2020, he had published over 600 peer reviewed academic medical papers. In addition to his medical doctorate, McCullough has been awarded eight medical certifications from various societies. He is now a published leading expert in treatment protocols, particularly early treatment for COVID-19.
The ‘McCullough Protocol’, which has evolved over 22 months, has helped treat millions of patients worldwide, saving countless numbers of people from hospitalization and death. Because ‘the battle’ is being fought on the grounds of medical authority, only medical doctors of the unique calibre and expertise of someone like Dr. Peter McCullough are in a position to take up the cudgels.
McCullough also has the vital qualities of integrity and courage that allow him to take on this vastly unequal fight against the bio-pharmaceutical complex that includes the US government and its health agencies (the FDA, CDC, NIAID) and the WHO.
The book sets out the timeline of the ‘pandemic’. The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020, using a highly inaccurate and faulty RT-PCR at high CTs (cycle thresholds) above 40. Those who tested positive and had no symptoms were labelled ‘asymptomatic’, a new category of COVID patients that ratcheted-up the numbers required for declaring a pandemic.
Dr Fauci (assuming the mantle of the US’s chief public health officer) declared on 16 March 2020 that his institute the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the US National Institutes of Health – NIH), had developed a promising vaccine to combat SARS-COV-2 at a substantial investment. This was promoted as humanity’s only hope.
Fauci forgot to mention that the NIH co-owned the patent. This was ‘warp speed’ indeed.
Interestingly, during a simulation at Event 201 on 28 October 2019, it was stated that CEPI (the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovation) was already working on a corona virus vaccine, the first step of its business plan (BP) published in November 2016. CEPI was launched in January 2017 in Davos by the Gates Foundation, the WEF, the governments of Norway, Japan, and India and the Wellcome Trust.
The book notes that treating COVID-19 with existing drugs was not part of the BP. That is why there was no interest in re-purposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which had been approved since 1955 by the FDA as a malaria prophylaxis. Billions of doses had been administered over the decades. The drug is safe, cheap and easy to manufacture.
Research teams in China were reporting favorable results for treating COVID-19. McCullough says, “the only thing in the literature is HCQ. We should take the Indian medical Council’s (ICMR) recommendation to use it”.
The other re-purposed drug that has been successful in treating COVID-19 as a prophylactic and at every stage of the disease is the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. It would be hard to overstate the significance of the effectiveness of ivermectin: it is an inhibitor of SARS-COV-2 in vitro. A single treatment effected “approximately 5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h in cell cull culture” (Study by Monash University of Australia).
Ivermectin is FDA approved and like HCQ is widely available, off-patent and inexpensive. It is on the WHO model list of essential medicines. Since its discovery in 1989, ivermectin has cured two great scourges (river blindness and elephantiasis) and has been widely prescribed. Like HCQ, ivermectin is hugely effective at mitigating COVID-19 disease and death.
Both drugs are derived from natural sources. HCQ (natural ancestor, quinine) is derived from the cinchona bark (discovered by the Quechua of Peru) and ivermectin is a bioactive compound derived from a soil bacterium (Streptomyces avermectinius). Its discoverer Satoshi Omura and his colleague at the Merck Institute Dr William Campbell won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for ivermectin in 2015.
In 2017, the report from the Journal of Antibiotics reported: “enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder drug’ continues to surprise and exceed expectations”. The journal presented ivermectin’s therapeutic properties against an array of pathogens, including viruses.
Both HCQ and ivermectin should be of star value for India because they fit in so well with her 5,000 year history of medicinal plant science in Ayurvedic healing traditions. Both were used to great effect for treating COVID-19, especially in UP (Uttar Pradesh). Unfortunately, despite the data, the Indian government and WHO withdrew support for it.
The authors note that the impressive evidence that both drugs were effective treatments for the virus was stonewalled by Fauci and the CDC and met with a wall of silence by the legacy media. Inexplicably, remdesivir was the only drug authorized and made available in US public hospitals; a drug without a safety profile and which could be fatally toxic, leading to kidney failure.
Furthermore, compared to the price at ‘pennies’ of HCQ and ivermectin, remdesivir was priced at over $3,000 per treatment, but took a mere $10 to produce! The message from Gates was: “there is no treatment apart from remdesivir. Stay home — wait for the vaccine”.
Readers are informed that health agencies told the medical profession that nothing could be done to treat COVID-19, backed by the press that emblazoned this therapeutic nihilism. A panicked public was denied any form of treatment – wait till your lips are blue and then go to the hospital. Patients were isolated and alone, no relatives were allowed to visit.
When they reached the point where they could not breathe, they were put on mechanical ventilators, a death knell: 80% died. Ivermectin was resolutely and tyrannically denied – even when there was no hope that the patient would survive and against the pleading of husbands, wives, parents.
Incredibly, even court orders were flouted. In the few instances where hospital doctors were explicitly ordered to stand aside and let a protocol of ivermectin be administered, such patients recovered and fast. The others? They died.
In Texas alone, 45,000 died. Peter McCullough estimates around 70% of COVID-19 fatalities could have been prevented. By Christmas 2021, that figure was 610,000 preventable deaths. He said, “there is so much focus on the vaccine, where is the focus on people sick right now”.
The proven solutions to the virus in HCQ, ivermectin and other drugs, (methylprednisolone, heparin, azithromycin, zinc and orthomolecular medicine, specifically high dose vitamin C), proved that this was a most treatable virus, or as Prof Didier Raoult pronounced – game over!
Despite this, experimental (unapproved and untested) vaccines were rolled out at warp speed under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The explicit legal, statutory requirement is that there must be no adequate, approved and available alternatives.
Herein lies the authors’ tale of horror and fraud, with profits of trillions of dollars for vaccine manufacturers, (who are also indemnified from causing harm), through an official policy of a needle in every arm.
At the same time, various monetary incentives came into play to boost COVID patient numbers via a hastily drafted CARES Act (Corona Virus Aid, Relief and Economic Security). Medicare has determined a COVID-19 admission to hospital will entitle the establishment a payment of $13,000. If that patient goes on a ventilator, the payment is threefold or $ 39,000!
It is also acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed” where a definite diagnosis cannot be made. From November 2020, hospitals also got an additional 20% add-on payment when a prescribed government drug was used – remdesivir.
The book also sets out a conflict of interest so colossal that it defies credulity.
The Gates and Fauci partnership, (with the Wellcome Trust) controls around 57% of global bio-medical research funding. The Gates foundation is invested in virtually every vaccine and also controls much of the mass media. Excluding contractual payments to the news media, in 2020, the Gates Foundation grants were of the order of $250 million. The full scope of its funding is unknown. This explains the slander, the massive disinformation and fake news.
An intrepid battalion of medical warriors like Dr. Peter McCullough has refused to kowtow to the raging medical tyranny. The pandemic has demonstrated that the light of consciousness has dimmed globally. Yet “we live in order to become conscious” (CG Jung).
Doctors and medical scientists of immeasurable stature were junked, their careers ‘cancelled’ for safeguarding our medical freedom. If we should lose our medical freedom, we lose every freedom. These scientists have prevailed, however, and have thrown a lifeline to millions through early treatment protocols. This book is about them.
In finishing, it is worth noting that we now have evidence – and it is growing – that EUA vaccines, which have been mandated by governments, the WHO and private industry, are associated with increased risk of disease and death from COVID-19. By July 2021, the CDC VAERS system recorded 6,207 deaths (quoted by Leake).
American Thinker Review: Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID 19 Early Treatment Hero by John Dale Dunn, M.D.
The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, by John Leake and Peter A. McCullough MD MPH is tale of the 2- year- plus effort, accomplishments and travails of a remarkably prominent and successful physician. Dr. McCullough decided to push back on the establishment in the face of a global epidemic of a respiratory virus, COVID 19 (SARS COV 2) , risking everything in today’s cancel culture. He pushed for sensible early treatment, when the establishment had another agenda—don’t treat or treat with worthless drugs until we get our “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine at all) out. The opportunity to make billions from scared populations, nations, politicians and create worldwide chaos and even reorder societies was at stake for them. As the progressives say, never let a good crisis go to waste if there is an opportunity for a power grab and profits.
I was impressed with the medical advocacy of Dr. Peter McCullough during 2020 as he became a leading voice in a worldwide effort by many medical experts to promote early ambulatory treatments with Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, with special attention to anti-inflammatory and supplemental adjuvants and blood thinners to reduce the complications of clotting. He was always on top of the literature and promoted the positions of the early COVID treaters around the world.
Dr. McCullough rejected the nihilist approach protocol of Fauci: just send them home and to come back if they really get sick, then we’ll hospitalize them. He pointed out the ridiculous Fauci promotion of the nasty and ineffective Gilead drug Remdesivir, and he also rejected the shutdowns, school closures, masking and social distancing and quarantine measures widely promoted. As he put it so well, physicians need to treat the patients with effective regimens, not just sit around waiting for the magic vaccines. It is not good medical practice to ignore preventive and early treatment measures that work and reduce mortalities.
Dr. Peter McCullough is a Dallas, Texas Internist, Cardiologist, epidemiologist (population health studies), and a former editor of medical journals, consultant to pharmaceutical companies and research programs. He is an extraordinarily qualified individual, not just a prominent expert, but remarkable and extraordinary as well as courageous in discussing the epidemic of the Wuhan Lab engineered Coronavirus, that killed millions and disrupted the whole world.
John Leake is a professional writer and explains in the preface to the book how he became a coauthor with Dr. McCullough. He was impressed with his performance in the fall of 2020 and spring of 2021 in US Senate Hearings chaired by Senator Ron Johnson and a Texas Senate hearing chaired by Senator Hall and a follow up interview in May of 2021 with Tucker Carlson. He met with Dr McCullough for an interview in his Dallas studio for a film/video session and described that interview:
He spoke so eloquently with such encyclopedic knowledge that his interview required no editing. The astonished video director recommended it uncut for the world to see.
Mr. Leake’s experience describes how I reacted to McCullough’s testimony and interviews: he is a genius with a remarkable grasp of the medical research and science pertinent to the COVID 19 issues. But that is no surprise considering his remarkable career and stature in the medical profession. I watched him many times and never did he fail to impress me with his eloquence and erudition. He is one smart man with a knack for being a good educator and analyst, an ideal person to provide good advice and counsel, perfect choice for a Dr. Welby type impression in a hearing. I reviewed here at American Thinkerhis Joe Rogan interview that set all viewer/listener records for the popular podcast, a 2:45 hour tour de force. The man is amazing.
Mr. Leake also made a comment that rings true, “I got to know him not only as a compassionate doctor but also a devoted family man and loyal friend.” I must say that is the persona I saw on display when I watched Dr. McCullough and met him: his belief and commitment to the role of a physician, to treat the patient and do everything you can to help relieve suffering and promote healing. Nihilism has no place in professional conduct—as stated by the Hippocratic Oath, traditionally taken by medical graduates:
“I will follow that method of treatment which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.”
In the prologue, the book addresses what appears to be a troublesome rehearsal of a pandemic sponsored by Johns Hopkins and funded by Gates Foundation money and the World Economic Forum in 2019. One cannot help but be concerned that Gates money founded the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness’ Innovations (CEPI) in 2017 and by 2019 CEPI was already developing “vaccines” for coronaviruses although even the public agencies admit mRNA spike protein stimulators are not vaccines at all.
The first section of the book is a fast-moving story of the spring and summer of 2020. Fraudulent propaganda on HCQ developed with Fauci in the lead. There were some badly designed studies for HCQ, defective because HCQ was always promoted for early treatment, not after hospitalization. Discovery of other treatments came, particularly steroids for inflammation and anti-coagulants for clotting.
Ivermectin became an issue and was condemned, just like HCQ, after some flawed studies. Fauci promoted Remdesivir despite the WHO warning not to use it on hospitalized patients. But it was produced by Gilead, one of Fauci’s favorite companies.
Lo and behold, the vaccine development seemed to be extraordinarily rapid with the vaccines’ magic promoted by Fauci. All these events are described in detail in the Leake and McCullough book, with the players named and the sequence of events.
Harvey Risch, an extraordinary epidemiologist and advocate, became engaged and supportive of the group effort to oppose Fauci and his minions in 2020. Dr. McCullough and Dr. Littell Lozano proposed an early treatment protocol paper for the journals, and the Henry Ford Hospitals and an Eastern Virginia medical group headed by Dr. Paul Marik also advocated early ambulatory treatment with HCQ and Ivermectin.
On the West Coast and across the country treatment programs developed that are described. Dr. George Fareed, a general practitioner, previously a virologist and Brian Tyson, MD, declared their commitment to early ambulatory treatment and reported their great success.
In August of 2020 the American Journal of Medicine published Dr. Harvey Risch and Dr. Peter McCullough’s paper on early treatment, but in the meantime Fauci and organized public health officials and medical societies lined up with the establishment position opposing Ivermectin, HCQ, and early treatment in favor of continuing the silly Remdesivir and allowing some anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory treatments. Dr. McCullough also found that colchicine (an anti-inflammatory used for gout mostly) was beneficial and planned to update the outpatient treatment protocol in the Proceedings of the Baylor University Medical Center. But the paper was retracted by the publisher after fully making it through peer review. Ultimately the followup protocol was published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons published information and treatment protocols provided by Dr. Marik.
These developments led to a hearing chaired by Senator Ron Johnson attended by Drs. Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, George Fareed and Harvey Risch with one opposing expert, Dr. Jha, dean at Brown Univ School of Public Health. Probably the most telling episode in the hearing was Dr. Jha’s admission that he had never treated a COVID 19 patient after advising the country for more than two hours. Recently, the Biden administration has appointed him the COVID Czar as a reward for his mendacious advocacy and toeing the line on the Fauci tyranny.
Sprinkled through the book are tales of episodes of legal fights with hospitals about treatments and patient family advocacy -- some triumphs with dramatic survivals, some disappointments that led to deaths from neglectful treatment that complied with the Fauci establishment rules. There is also plenty of evidence provided to show that pharma companies were involved in misconduct that was motivated by hopes of financial rewards.
A chapter is provided by Mr. Leake about the storied career of Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist who worked to reduce pharma influence and exposed big pharma misconduct in matters of psychiatric medications. Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger also recently published an expose of the COVID 19 affair with a focus on Gates, the WEF, and pharma company misconduct COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. I recommend it without reservation.
The last segments of the book describe the corruption in the healthcare establishment, compromising integrity in practice, research, policy making. Consider what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed in his book that I reviewed here, a problem he labels regulatory capture, meaning that the regulated parties corrupt the regulators. The collusion of organized medicine, academic medicine and the hospital industry with government agencies and their apparatchiks along with cover by the media is cemented with money. Pharma companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and Astra Zenica make and dole out influence money for sure. NIH officials, academic physicians, medical schools all pocket millions in donations for research or in royalties for sales of drugs they research and test for efficacy and risk and then approve. That’s a serious conflict and modifies behavior. Dr. Tony Fauci, for example reportedly is worth $10 million or more to include royalties.
The bio-pharma cabal mentioned in the title of the book certainly impacted the management of the COVID 19 epidemic and the attitudes about acceptable mitigation and treatments—Gates money greased some wheels in the public and private sector for many reasons, particularly for money and power.
The result of these collusive arrangements contributes to the cancel culture that has seen many prominent and accomplished physicians have been harmed -- physicians who departed from the Fauci canon, hymnal and diktats. All the major players in the group that I support have been censored, censured and persecuted, across the country. The story of the big stars in the anti-Fauci group is particularly appalling—extraordinary physicians who were fired and punished in a Stalinesque manner, physicians exercising their best judgment as advocated in the Hippocratic Oath quoted above.
Here in Texas, my home, Dr. Peter McCullough was persecuted and cancelled in cruel and unjust ways by the hospital/pharma/medical organization/academic medical journal community. Baylor University Medical Center, a Baptist founded and supported organization, was particularly despicable, but no doubt Baylor has wandered into the bright lights and power business of healthcare and shed any pretense of being a Christian moral organization in my opinion.
I would suggest thst any moral compass at Baylor has been demagnetized by our old nemesis, greed, ambition, and a desire for power. However, I met Dr. McCullough recently and watched him at a meeting. He remains the same quietly confident decent man I saw when this ordeal began. It is no wonder that Mr. Leake, his co-author, admires him. he is a man of extraordinary intellect, combined with discipline, humility, wisdom and fortitude, the stoic ideal. (He looks and acts like he came out of a factory that makes the perfect model of a great physician.) He makes his momma and fellow physicians proud. I wish him well and thank him for what he has done this past 2 years.
Dissident Voice: Who Do You Trust for Medical Advice: Dr. Peter McCullough or Bill Gates?
John Leake is a best-selling “experienced non-fiction, true crime author.” Having just read what must be described as an extraordinary ‘telling’ of the COVID-19 saga, The Courage to Face Covid-19 is the narration of true crime on a scale that could top the list in the history of ‘man’s inhumanity to man.’
The book chronicles the unique role of national governments across the world and their health agencies, led by the USA and WHO, which followed an agenda that led to completely avoidable fatalities numbering several million. The question is why?
The usual culprits are money and power. But to ascribe cause to these two is woefully insufficient. The sheer magnitude of the ‘dark agenda’ – coordinated and played out by governments, health agencies, the medical establishment (hospitals, doctors and chemists) and the massive and deliberate disinformation by the legacy media – defies such easy explanations. As one journalist on Leake’s team put it, “but this is evil.”
Dr. Peter McCullough says it will take a legion of investigators and investigative journalists to “untangle and delineate what would ultimately be revealed as a massive crime against humanity.”
This book is in part that investigation, zeroing in on why treatment protocols (especially early treatment) were side-lined, leading to disastrous consequences. The book is an impressive, accurate and lucid telling of this crime on a global scale, with its lens on the USA.
John Leake could not have wished for a more authoritative voice than Peter McCullough, his co-author. McCullough, a practicing board certified internist and cardiologist, is the most published author in history in the field of cardio-renal medicine.
By 2020, he had published over 60 peer reviewed academic medical papers. In addition to his medical doctorate, McCullough has been awarded eight medical certifications from various societies. He is now a published leading expert in treatment protocols, particularly early treatment for COVID-19.
The McCullough Protocol, which has evolved over 22 months, has helped treat millions of patients worldwide, saving countless numbers of people from hospitalization and death. Because ‘the battle’ is being fought on the grounds of medical authority, only medical doctors of the unique calibre and expertise of someone like Dr. Peter McCullough are in a position to take up the cudgels. McCullough also has the vital qualities of integrity and courage that allow him to take on this vastly unequal fight against the bio-pharmaceutical complex that includes the US government and its health agencies (the FDA, CDC, NIAID) and the WHO.
The book sets out the timeline of the ‘pandemic.’ The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020, using a highly inaccurate and faulty RT-PCR at high CTs (cycle thresholds) above 40. Those who tested positive and had no symptoms were labelled ‘asymptomatic,’ a new category of COVID patients that ratcheted-up the numbers required for declaring a pandemic.
Dr Fauci (assuming the mantle of the US’s chief public health officer) declared on 16 March 2020 that his institute the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the US National Institutes of Health – NIH), had developed a promising vaccine to combat SARS-COV-2 at a substantial investment. This was promoted as humanity’s only hope.
Fauci forgot to mention that the NIH co-owned the patent. This was ‘warp speed’ indeed.
Interestingly, during a simulation at Event 201 on 28 October 2019, it was stated that CEPI (the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovation) was already working on a corona virus vaccine, the first step of its business plan (BP) published in November 2016. CEPI was launched in January 2017 in Davos by the Gates Foundation, the WEF, the governments of Norway, Japan, and India and the Wellcome Trust.
The book notes that treating COVID-19 with existing drugs was not part of the BP. That is why there was no interest in re-purposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which had been approved since 1955 by the FDA as a malaria prophylaxis. Billions of doses had been administered over the decades. The drug is safe, cheap and easy to manufacture.
Research teams in China were reporting favorable results for treating COVID-19. McCullough says, “the only thing in the literature is HCQ. We should take the Indian medical Council’s (ICMR) recommendation to use it.”
The other re-purposed drug that has been successful in treating COVID-19 as a prophylactic and at every stage of the disease is the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. It would be hard to overstate the significance of the effectiveness of ivermectin: it is an inhibitor of SARS-COV-2 in vitro. A single treatment effected “approximately 5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h in cell cull culture” (Study by Monash University of Australia).
Ivermectin is FDA approved and like HCQ is widely available, off-patent and inexpensive. It is on the WHO model list of essential medicines. Since its discovery in 1989, ivermectin has cured two great scourges (river blindness and elephantiasis) and has been widely prescribed. Like HCQ, ivermectin is hugely effective at mitigating COVID-19 disease and death.
Both drugs are derived from natural sources. HCQ (natural ancestor, quinine) is derived from the cinchona bark (discovered by the Quechua of Peru) and ivermectin is a bioactive compound derived from a soil bacterium (Streptomyces avermectinius). Its discoverer Satoshi Omura and his colleague at the Merck Institute Dr William Campbell won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for ivermectin in 2015. In 2017, the report from The Journal of Antibiotics reported: “enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder drug’ continues to surprise and exceed expectations.” The journal presented ivermectin’s therapeutic properties against an array of pathogens, including viruses.
Both HCQ and ivermectin should be of star value for India because they fit in so well with her 5,000 year history of medicinal plant science in Ayurvedic healing traditions. Both were used to great effect for treating COVID-19, especially in UP (Uttar Pradesh). Unfortunately, despite the data, the Indian government and WHO withdrew support for it.
The authors note that the impressive evidence that both drugs were effective treatments for the virus was stonewalled by Fauci and the CDC and met with a wall of silence by the legacy media. Inexplicably, remdesivir was the only drug authorized and made available in US public hospitals; a drug without a safety profile and which could be fatally toxic, leading to kidney failure.
Furthermore, compared to the price at ‘pennies’ of HCQ and ivermectin, remdesivir was priced at over $3,000 per treatment, but took a mere $10 to produce! The message from Gates was: “there is no treatment apart from remdesivir. Stay home — wait for the vaccine.”Readers are informed that health agencies told the medical profession that nothing could be done to treat COVID-19, backed by the press that emblazoned this therapeutic nihilism. A panicked public was denied any form of treatment – wait till your lips are blue and then go to the hospital. Patients were isolated and alone, no relatives were allowed to visit.
When they reached the point where they could not breathe, they were put on mechanical ventilators, a death knell: 80% died. Ivermectin was resolutely and tyrannically denied – even when there was no hope that the patient would survive and against the pleading of husbands, wives, parents.
Incredibly, even court orders were flouted. In the few instances where hospital doctors were explicitly ordered to stand aside and let a protocol of ivermectin be administered, such patients recovered and fast. The others? They died.
In Texas alone, 45,000 died. Peter McCullough estimates around 70% of COVID-19 fatalities could have been prevented. By Christmas 2021, that figure was 610,000 preventable deaths. He said, “there is so much focus on the vaccine, where is the focus on people sick right now?"
The proven solutions to the virus in HCQ, ivermectin and other drugs, (methylprednisolone, heparin, azithromycin, zinc and orthomolecular medicine, specifically high dose vitamin C), proved that this was a most treatable virus, or as Prof Didier Raoult pronounced – game over!
Despite this, experimental (unapproved and untested) vaccines were rolled out at warp speed under Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA). The explicit legal, statutory requirement is that there must be no adequate, approved and available alternatives.
Herein lies the authors’ tale of horror and fraud, with profits of trillions of dollars for vaccine manufacturers, (who are also indemnified from causing harm), through an official policy of a needle in every arm.
At the same time, various monetary incentives came into play to boost COVID patient numbers via a hastily drafted CARES Act (Corona Virus Aid, Relief and Economic Security). Medicare has determined a COVID-19 admission to hospital will entitle the establishment a payment of $13,000. If that patient goes on a ventilator, the payment is threefold or $39,000!
It is also acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed” where a definite diagnosis cannot be made. From November 2020, hospitals also got an additional 20% add-on payment when a prescribed government drug was used – remdesivir.
The book also sets out a conflict of interest so colossal that it defies credulity.
The Gates and Fauci partnership, (with the Wellcome Trust) controls around 57% of global bio-medical research funding. The Gates foundation is invested in virtually every vaccine and also controls much of the mass media. Excluding contractual payments to the news media, in 2020, the Gates Foundation grants were of the order of $250 million. The full scope of its funding is unknown. This explains the slander, the massive disinformation and fake news.
An intrepid battalion of medical warriors like Dr. Peter McCullough has refused to kowtow to the raging medical tyranny. The pandemic has demonstrated that the light of consciousness has dimmed globally. Yet “we live in order to become conscious” (CG Jung).
Doctors and medical scientists of immeasurable stature were junked, their careers ‘cancelled’ for safeguarding our medical freedom. If we should lose our medical freedom, we lose every freedom. These scientists have prevailed, however, and have thrown a lifeline to millions through early treatment protocols. This book is about them.
In finishing, it is worth noting that we now have evidence – and it is growing – that EUA vaccines, which have been mandated by governments, the WHO and private industry, are associated with increased risk of disease and death from COVID-19. By July 2021, the CDC VAERS system recorded 6,207 deaths (quoted by Leake).
Amazon Reviews
Someday history will record the truth as recounted in this monumental book. Leake covers heroic McCullough as no one can.
God bless Dr. McCullough and all of the many physicians who jeapardized their medical careers to save lives.
I was totally shocked that a famous doctor that had a prestigious job, titles, and was well published lost all of this because he wanted to treat patients in the early stages.
I have read many books on this subject but this one was the easiest to read, most comprehensive, well documented, and a page turner.
A must read as Dr. McCullough and other brave doctors fight COVID crimes against humanity.
I could weep when I think of the horrendous deaths suffered by many, not just from the lack of early treatment but from vaccine injury as well.
It is no accident that the story of Dr. Peter McCullough's brave fight against big pharma, big government and big tech is being told by a true crime author.

Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist who has been a leader in the medical response to COVID-19. In August of 2020 he published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” in the American Journal of Medicine. This paper presented the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with the virus, and was subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has published dozens of peer-reviewed papers on the infection, and has commented extensively on the medical response in The Hill, America Out Loud, ABC, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Victory Channel, and a multitude of independent media outlets. He has testified on several occasions in the U.S. Senate and before several State Senate and Congressional Committees.
Dr. McCullough’s message to lawmakers and the media has always been the urgent necessity to treat high-risk patients to help them avoid hospitalization and death. His conviction has been guided by his Hippocratic Oath to treat the sick to the best of his ability and judgment. Unfortunately, his work on early treatment was not welcomed by public health authorities or by the medical center at which he held a ranking position. The latter severed his long-term physician employment. Later he was also stripped of professorships at Texas A & M and Texas Christian University/University of North Texas Schools of Medicine, and removed from multiple pharmaceutical, National Institutes of Health, and medical society positions. All of these punitive actions were taken without courtesy communications or due process. He was later sued by his former institution for a temporary restraining order to effectively silence him in the media.
In spite of suffering these penalties, Dr. McCullough has continued his academic and clinical efforts in combating SARS-CoV-2, for which he has reviewed thousands of reports, and participated in several scientific congresses. He is now among the world’s foremost experts on COVID-19. He lives with his wife in Dallas.
John Leake
John Leake studied history and philosophy with Sir Roger Scruton at Boston University. He then went to Vienna, Austria on a graduate school scholarship and ended up living in the city for over a decade, working as a freelance writer and translator. His first book, Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer (Sarah Crichton Books, FSG) was a New York Times Sunday Book Review “Editors’ Choice,” a Men’s Vogue “Best Book of 2007,” and the inspiration of The Infernal Comedy, starring John Malkovich.
His second book, Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery, was winner of the 2012 Independent Publisher Award. The German translation, Eiskalter Tod, published by the Residenz Verlag was a bestseller in Austria. His investigative work for the Jack Unterweger, Duncan MacPherson, and Angelika Foeger stories has been the subject of numerous television documentaries produced by A&E Biography, Discovery, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Fifth Estate,” and the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Am Schauplatz Gericht”.
When SARS-CoV-2 arrived, he perceived that the official policy response was illogical at best, and possibly criminal. He found it especially suspicious how quickly public health officials dismissed repurposed early treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. In November of 2020, he watched a video of Dr. Peter McCullough’s US Senate testimony about early treatment. He sensed from this performance that Dr. McCullough was likely to lead the way in developing a more rational and humane response to the crisis.