Elaine Feuer - CEO & Author
Chaya' s Angels:
A Spiritual Journey with Down Syndrome
Traveling In and Out of Heaven
To Gently Leave This Life:
The Right To Die (2018 Updates)
The Last Waltz: Love, Death & Betrayal
Innocent Casualties:
The FDA's War Against Humanity
Sex In The 21st Century:
Are Emails Hotter Than Sex?

Coming in February 2025
To Tame the Savageness of Man
COVID-19, Hamas & the Evolution of Evil
In January 2017, at a meeting with the Globalists, Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted a “Plandemic” during the Trump Administration. There is no question that a bat was taken into a lab and a bat virus was manipulated by scientists, until it metamorphosed into a transmissible and deadly pandemic. Dr. Fauci forbade treatments that cure COVID-19 – therapies that would have curtailed the pandemic in the spring of 2020. Instead, while the elderly and people with comorbidities were intentionally left to die, the world was forced to wait for “fast-track” vaccines. At the direction of the Department of Defense, Dr. Fauci, Big Pharma, and the Globalists colluded to make experimental vaccines and trillions of dollars. COVID vaccines have killed 100s of 1000s of people worldwide. There are more COVID vaccine injuries in the U.S. than people who died from the disease. Seventy-four percent of new cancers are in Americans who took the vaccines: pathologists are stunned to witness turbo cancers that did not exist before COVID. Big Tech and the mainstream media have conspired with Fauci and public health institutions, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Novavax to fabricate, insisting that the vaccines are safe when the truth is that vaccine and booster mandates caused 61,000 excess deaths of the millennial generation after the first year of vaccine mandates - their own Vietnam War. Athletes are dropping dead from cardiac events on the fields all over the world. Young healthy people are dying of vaccine induced myocarditis - annihilated by heart attacks in their sleep. Scientists have no way of determining how many people will perish due to these perilous vaccines, since there are no long term studies. School age children have been inoculated when not one healthy child has died of COVID. Big Pharma is vaccinating 6-month-olds – jeopardizing the lives of our babies. In Nazi Germany, ordinary people murdered innocent human beings. In the 21st Century, ordinary people are once again murdering the innocent. Most doctors defied their oath "to do no harm" - practicing "therapeutic nihilism" by not providing early treatments to their patients. Most doctors defied their Hippocratic Oath by telling patients to take an experimental vaccine. We have been witnessing the intentional slaughter of millions and possibly billions of people due to mRNA Gene injections. This is the most dangerous time in human history - crimes against humanity - as the Globalists ascend to govern the planet. Humanity must rise against extermination, bring back the U.S. Constitution and adjudicate these diabolical villains in a Nuremberg II Tribunal.
PREVIEW: 2:51 Video
Traveling In and Out of Heaven, is the story of my brother’s five-month battle against esophageal cancer, encompassing: the profound love between a brother and sister as they struggle with the torment of an unbearable illness; the love and support of family and friends; and the treacherous betrayal of a daughter. She exploited her next-of-kin status, threatening to end Allan’s life when he still had a chance of surviving, to inherit his Life Insurance Trust. And then she did the unspeakable. It is with heartfelt forewarning, that I advise readers to ascertain end-of-life options, to avoid the adjunct anguish that engulfed my life as my brother’s medical proxy (which he had inadvertently forgot to sign), and as Executor of his Estate. The poignant and agonizing issues in this narrative are circumstances that readers could encounter at some point in their lifetime: an unsigned medical proxy; next-of-kin power over medical decisions; life support; and a duplicitous legal petition. Join me on this journey of love, heartbreak, and malevolence. Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop!
Welcome to the 2018 Updates Edition for To Gently Leave This Life. For people who are suffering from a terminal or incurable illness, the option of a peaceful passing is the issue at the forefront of modern society. Assessing the quality of life, and allowing patients who suffer from debilitating pain and dependence on others to gently leave this life, gives people a dignified alternative. Five years ago, when I was researching and writing the first edition of To Gently Leave This Life, I anticipated many more states and countries to have enacted assisted dying legislation by now. Only six states and the District of Columbia have passed Death With Dignity laws. Only one more country, Canada, has legalized voluntary euthanasia.
All books are available for purchase under Shop: in Paperback, PDF for computers, MOBI for Kindle eBook Readers, EPUB for iBook Readers and other eBook readers such as Google Play Books. I hope Blue Danube Publishing serves as an instrument to further enhance your life, your insights, and all your options regarding health care and end-of-life decisions.
Elaine Feuer
October 2024

My Channel
A Provocative, Engaging & Humorous book about Sex and Dating in the 21st Century: hot dates, seductive emails, alluring relationships, and steamy sex. Has Internet dating - via emails, text messages, FaceTime, and other apps - affected sexuality? Get the book!
Innocent Casualties: The FDA's War Against Humanity, is now available in its 4th edition as an eBook.
Sean Davison's Last Waltz
Sean Davison finished serving a 3-year house arrest on June 20, 2022, for three premeditated murder charges. The acclaimed euthanasia advocate assisted these men, in excruciating pain, to gently leave this life.
The Last Waltz: Love, Death & Betrayal by Sean Davison, is an enthralling new memoir that tells the heartbreaking story of what happens when patients who are suffering do not have the option of assisted death. The Last Waltz is the story of an extraordinary love between a terminally-ill mother and son, and how their informed decisions lead to unforeseen consequences: A sister betrays her brother; a son is charged with murder; Archbishop Desmond Tutu requests bail; igniting a public debate about voluntary euthanasia and the right to die.
Elaine speaking at the World Federation of
Right to Die Societies, in Chicago 2014.
To Gently Leave this Life is rated 5.0 out of 5 stars for Medicine & Nursing Books on Amazon/Kindle.
Assisted Death Legal In:
Oregon, Montana, Washington, New Jersey, New Mexico, Colorado, District of Columbia, California. Hawaii. Canada. Netherlands. Belgum, Luxembourg
Canada has published an euthanasia book for children. Blue Danube is NOT endorsing this book, nor is it supporting euthanasia for children. It's child abusive for children to have to read: Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Activity Book: Welcome. These activities will help you think about Medical Assistance in Dying by Someone in your Life.
U.S. states that have endorsed assisted dying legislation have many safeguards, and the result is that adults who are dying and in unbearable pain have the option of Assisted Death. Statistics demonstrate that many patients do not utilize the prescription unless their pain is unendurable. For these patients, there is the option to choose Assisted Death during the last days or weeks of their life. Many patients are relieved to have that option and often don't choose it. Just knowing that they will have an "out" if their pain is unendurable provides enormous relief.
Traveling In and Out of Heaven
He tells me, he's traveling, in and out of heaven,
I know it, I tell him, he's la creme de la creme.
He tells me, he has years of more living to do,
I know it, he shows it, for everyone to view.
He tells me, it's been such a meandering road,
I know it, we're fighting, to win this unfair war.
He tells me, he's tired, and may be ready to go,
I know it, I tell him, yet I still need him so.
He tells me, he'll keep battling, alongside of me,
I know it, I tell him, he will soon be set free.
He tells me, he's traveling, in and out of heaven,
I know it, I tell him, he's la creme de la creme.
Assisted Suicide and the Death that Divided Sean Davison's Family
The Sidney Morning Herald
By Peter Munro, September 17, 2016
"I will be informing the police that you murdered our mother."
Sean Davison received the single-line email at 1pm on Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 19 months after the funeral. He hadn't seen his sister Mary since they had posed for a photograph together in front of the coffin, which they helped paint in the bright colours, black cats and beaches so loved by their mum.
"I've had enough, this is not life," Patricia, 85, had repeatedly told her four adult children from her sick bed in late 2006. Cancer had spread to her lungs, liver and brain. Patricia – a former GP and psychiatrist who loved painting and dancing – was in constant pain and desperate to die. She jokingly asked to be drowned in Otago Harbour, which she could see from her home near Dunedin, on New Zealand's South Island.

"When my time comes, I want the option of an assisted death... Dying people should have the right to choose how and when they leave Mother Earth."
Nobel Peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu: If a person says they want to sleep, why should we deny them?"
"To Gently Leave This Life: The Right To Die is an excellent handbook for those who are living through the struggle now, and those new to the fight who are just realizing what could be in store for them when there is no way out of a prolonged, agonizing death."
Faye Girsh, former president
World Federation of Right to Die Societies.
"Compassion makes me cry and I cried many times reading The Last Waltz: Love, Death & Betrayal, feeling the love Sean and Pat shared. It broke my heart, and yet the strength of this man’s caring, while reaching his own breaking point many times over, never lost the courage to abide his mother’s wish... Words of admiration fall short for Sean."
EG's Reality Press

"Innocent Casualties: The FDA's War Against Humanity" manages to make the blood boil in righteous anger, because it makes the FDA’s abuse of power so personal… Ms. Feuer takes the reader step-by-step through the nonsensical tactics, deceit, and police mentality."
Irene Alleger
Townsend Letter for
Doctors & Patients
Chaya's Angels: A Spiritual Journey with Down Syndrome
Traveling In and Out of Heaven
To Gently Leave This Life: The Right To Die
The Last Waltz: Love, Death & Betrayal
Innocent Casualties: The FDA's War Against Humanity
Sex in the 21st Century: Are Emails Hotter than Sex?